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Please review the following membership categories prior to applying for membership.  Membership in LVC-SHRM is owned by the individual, not the organization with whom the member is affiliated, and is neither transferable, refundable or assignable.  Membership becomes effective upon approval of the application and dues payment processing.  Dues are paid annually on an anniversary basis.


Professional Member

Regular membership in LVC-SHRM is available to individuals employed in positions meeting one of the following conditions and shall be limited to: 

  • Those individuals actively engaged in bona fide HR administration (at an exempt level) for at least three years and who devote at least 50% of their time to personnel, HR or industrial relations functions. 
  • Faculty members holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in personnel, HR or industrial relations of their specialized phases at an accredited college or university and who possess at least three years of responsible experience at this level of teaching.
  • Full-time consultants with at least three years experience in the field of HR management.
It is strongly recommended that these individuals become SHRM members.  Professional Members pay regular dues and are entitled to all privileges of membership including the right to vote, chair a committee or hold office.

Associate Member

Individuals in non-exempt HR management positions as well as those individuals who do not meet the general member category, but who demonstrate a bona fide interest in HR management and the mission of the Chapter. It is strongly recommended that these individuals become SHRM Members. Associate members may vote and hold office in the Chapter.

Student Member

Individuals who are actively enrolled in HR degree programs or a related field, at the college or university level. Student members may not vote and may not hold office in the Chapter.


The Chapter adopts SHRM's Code of Ethics for members of the Association in order to promote and maintain the highest standards among its members.  Each member shall honor, respect and support the purpose of this Chapter and SHRM.

  • The Chapter shall not be represented as advocating or endorsing any issue unless approved by the Board of Directors.
  • No member shall actively solicit business from any other member at Association meetings or through the use of information provided to h/h as a member of the Chapter without the approval from the Board of Directors.

By completing this application and applying for membership in the LVC-SHRM Chapter, you are agreeing to abide by the Code of Ethics summarized above.

Important Note:  All memberships are granted to the individual, not the organization with which they are associated.  As such, succession to, or transfer of membership is not permissible.  All memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable once processed.

If you have any questions regarding membership, please feel free to contact our VP of  Membership at

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